Friday 10 April 2015

Los Angeles Laser Tattoo Removal: Sting that Leaves No Pain or Scar

Tunell opted for the PicoSure laser tattoo removal procedure, which utilizes ultrashort highly-pressurized pulses lasting for a trillionth of a second that blasts the ink into dust-like particles. These particles are then absorbed and eliminated by the body effectively, leading to better clearance of the tattoo with less treatment required. One particular advantage of PicoSure tattoo removal is that, unlike other tattoo removal lasers, it poses slim health risks, and requires fewer treatments for the same results. You don’t have to live your life suffering through tattoo regret, either from a badly-drawn tattoo that you’ve come to dislike or because its meaning or symbol has long lost its relevance to you. You can have it effectively removed by tattoo removal centers all across the country like here at Pasadena Aesthetic Laser Center, where we offer highly effective tattoo removal technology like PicoSure for Los Angeles customers.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Latest Los Angeles Tattoo Removal Clinic Debunks Long, Painful Procedure

Decades ago, removing tattoos from the skin seemed impossible; tattoos were permanent marks on the skin. This spelled bad news for many people who have lost interest in their tattoos and, specifically, the object (and subject) of their tattoos. Fast forward, thanks to the latest technologies, you don’t have to live with a bad tattoo when you can have them removed with advanced laser technology. Many people, however, are still skeptical about laser tattoo removal, fearing that removal is twice as painful as getting them, a common misconception that Los Angeles tattoo removal services are trying to disprove.